Mom Post
This morning, we slept in late and woke up to make pancakes. It was a sunny day, and we were excited to eat in the yard. Zero was waiting at the door, no doubt insisting we are way past due on today’s outing.
Random Guy gathered our coffee and the pancakes on a tray as I put Zero’s harness on. I carried him out and tied him to his rope. He went to the back of the yard right away to check for squirrels. We ate pancakes in peace and chatted about our plans for the day.
I looked up to check on Zero and saw him staring past me. I turned my head to see the small Siamese cat we named Slinky making his way past the trailer into the yard. He came right to the picnic table and climbed into my lap.

I was a little unsure of him, he was kind of dirty but so sweet and cuddly. I pet him and set my pancakes aside. Random Guy went in to get him some food and water. He came out and placed it down. Slinky started eating.

We’ve been discussing for a few days now what we should do with this cat. He’s been hanging around a lot and he’s really very slim. Random Guy wanted to take him in to the vet, but I said the SPCA might be the best option. The more time we spent with Slinky, the more I could see him staying with us, but I didn’t want to get too attached.
I temporarily named him Pancake. We ended up taking him to the SPCA because we thought that way his owners could find him if he had any, and if not he was so sweet I couldn’t see him not being adopted. We also figured the cost of a vet on the weekend would be pretty high and we weren’t sure how malnourished he actually was or what else could be wrong with him.

When we got to the SPCA I explained the situation to the ladies there. They said they could see if he was microchipped, but they don’t usually take in animals unless it’s an extreme situation.
As I thought about what we would do next, assuming we would be taking Pancake back home, the lady came back to say he was not microchipped, but they would take him in because he is in rough shape. The lady mentioned they would likely list him for adoption as Duke. We signed some documents and left with an empty crate, hoping the best for Slinky/Pancake/Duke.
Zero saw this a little differently! Check out his thoughts here!
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