Zero’s gear
What does an adventure cat need to be successful?
This took a while to acquire. Zero started outside from a young age, and even then, a move to a new place was scary for walker and walkee alike. Small steps count even if it means you’re only inching toward your goal. Random Guy and I started walking Zero again every day, and noticed huge improvements in his walking behaviour. We slowly go him used to us pulling on the leash only when necessary and this allowed a little bit of trust to be made. Eventually we made one complete lap around the neighbourhood! Then we were able to take him to the park in the car. Then the beach. Then on the boat! Then to Grandma and grandpa’s.

We are still perfecting his harness. After his recent escape, We’ve added an extension to the harness. It turns out this truly only slows him down, as I made it to him just prior to a second escape even more recently! We are on the hunt for something more escape proof, but not too restricting.

Zero has a nice shorter walking leash which is perfect for taking him on neighbourhood adventures. We use it all the time it’s a good length. I find anything too long you risk an escape. I keep my eye on him as much as possible. In the yard, we extend the leash by tying it to a long rope. He drags it around like he’s a prisoner, but it doesn’t stop him from going from one end to the other.
Life Jacket
Zero has his own lifejacket for the boat. It’s honestly the best and I’ve considered using this as his harness while we figure out an alternative. It’s reflective, it fits him well, and it isn’t too bulky. It does restrict his movement compared to the harness but it floats and that’s what matters in the water!
Snacks (But not too many)
Zero’s passion for food grew quickly. When he was much younger, I didn’t think he was very food motivated. It turns out he just didn’t know he was yet. I bring treats on every adventure to present and let Zero know he has been good and deserves a reward. Often he is too overstimulated to have treats. If there is lots going on and he feels his focus should be elsewhere it’s like he can’t even see treats. I still bring them for when he gets comfortable again.
Zero has recently been to the vet to make sure everything is up to date! He has his rabies and Feline Leukemia vaccinations. The vet also recommended a de-worming pill since he’s really into eating the weeds in the yard. She also mentioned checking for flees so we have a new flee comb for him now as well.